---------------------------------- --- Time Line Battle v2 (2005) --- ---------------------------------- ************* *** About *** This game is similar to Time Line Battle v1, but I refined it a bit. ******************* *** Misc. Rules *** ---Ordering--- Each player's Characters that are currently in play have an ordering from Front to Rear. This ordering is defined by the 'Order' attribute, with the Character with the lowest Order value at the Front and the Character with the highest Order value at the rear. Most attacks will hit the enemy's Front Character, but some hit a specific target, a Rear Character, or multiple Characters at once. ---Timelines--- The game will consist of 3 Timelines which will be played one after the other. Each Timeline will start from Day 1 and continue through at least Day 4 and then after that will continue until one side is wiped out or until there is no real progress towards one side eventually being wiped out. ---Cards in Hand--- Each player starts with a deck with 1 of each of the cards in the card list. Players then always maintain 5 cards in hand. After playing a card or whenever else the player has fewer than that many cards in hand, the player draws cards back up to the card limit. Each time a player plays a card, the player may also put a card on the bottom of their deck, allowing the player to cycle through cards more quickly if the player wants to. ********************* *** Each Timeline *** ---Phase 1: Restore Characters--- At the beginning of each Timeline after the 1st, all Characters that have been Deployed so far come back to life because we have gone back in time to the beginning of Day 1. ---Phase 2: Deploy Units--- At the start of the 1st Timeline, each player Deploys 4 Characters. At the start of each other Timeline, each player Deploys an additional 2 Characters. Each Character Deployed may only be Deployed into one of the Days 1 through 4 which has the least number of that player's Characters in it so far. You should physically space out the Character's you deploy into a different location on the table for each Day so you know which Character was deployed into which Day. This means that you won't really be able to place your Characters in a line indicating Front-most, Rear-most, and the ordering in between. ---Phase 3: Proceed Through Days--- Proceed through all 4 Days and then continue after that until either one side is wiped out and there is no possibility of progress towards one side being wiped out. ---Phase 4: Gain VP--- At the end of each Timeline, each player gains 1 VP for each Character that is still alive. Princes' abilities are applied at this point in time. The player with the most VP at the end of the last Timeline wins. The tie breaker is number of Characters alive at the end of the last Timeline. **************** *** Each Day *** ---Turn Order--- Pick a random player at the start of the game to be the first Start Player. At the end of each Day, the other player becomes the Start Player. ---Phase 1: Handle Start of Day Effects--- Handle any effects that happen at start of Day like Reviver's ability. ---Phase 2: New Characters Spawn--- Each Day, ignore Characters that were Deployed into future Days. Next, Characters that were Deployed into that Day come into existence (they time traveled back from the future to that Day). ---Phase 3: Players Take Turns Making Decisions--- Players take turns making decisions regarding which abilities to use and how to use them, starting with the Start Player. This includes making decisions for the special abilities of the Deathmonger and Enchanter and picking a target for Archer. Some abilities that don't require decisions are also applied now, like Shocker's ability. No damage should actually be applied in this phase, but it should be accumulated. ---Phase 4: Add Up Damage Per Target--- Players simultaneously add up all damage their Characters will deal for this Day and figure out which enemy targets will take that damage. Any decision-making by players for this should already have taken place in the previous Phase. For now, don't account for damage that would overkill a Character. Any Deflectors' abilities should be applied at this point. ---Phase 5: Apply Damage Reduction--- Players take turns deciding which of the incoming damage should be reduced by Character abilities that reduce damage and reduce the damage that was previously added up for that target. This primarily involves Paladins and Shielders. ---Phase 6: Apply Damage--- Players take turns applying all damage to be dealt during this Day. Characters killed in this phase still deal damage for this Day. Characters killed are flipped over, but will be brought back to life for each subsequent Timeline. Any overkill damage that is more than enough to kill the Character it is damaging should trickle rearward to the Character behind that Character, and then the Character behind that Characer, etc. If there is overkill damage for the Rear-most Character, the extra damage should trickle forward to the Character in front of that Characters etc. instead. Targeted damage like from the Archer that overkills the target may trickle to a new Character of the player's choice, and then another chosen target after that if still overkill etc. ---Phase 7: Heal Survivors--- At the end of each Day, all Characters heal back to full health, ignoring any remaining damage. ***************** *** Card List *** Guard - Order 1, Health 10, attack front for 3 damage Paladin - Order 2, Health 8, attack front for 3 damage, reduce any chosen damage by 2 distributed any way Surger - Order 3, Health 6, attack all enemies for 3 damage each if survived at least 1 day Lancer - Order 4, Health 9, attack front 2 Characters for 3 damage each Warrior - Order 5, Health 8, attack front for 5 damage Reaper - Order 6, Health 3, attack front for 8 damage Deflector - Order 7, Health 8, attack front for 2 damage, all enemy damage not to front is redirected to front Blitzer - Order 8, Health 7, attack front for 10 damage if still in Day Deployed in Rogue - Order 9, Health 8, attack rear for 7 damage Shocker - Order 10, Health 6, attack front for 3 damage, enemy front Character may not do anything this day (but can still generate victory points) Shielder - Order 11, Health 6, reduce any chosen damage by 5 distributed any way Protector - Order 12, Health 7, reduce damage to each ally by 2 Archer - Order 13, Health 7, attack any enemy for 4 damage Blaster - Order 14, Health 4, attack all enemies for 2 damage each Enchanter - Order 15, Health 7, double the damage dealt by a friendly Character Reviver - Order 16, Health 4, revive a friendly Character at start of day if survived at least 1 day Deathmonger - Order 17, Health 8, you may sacrifice a friendly Character to attack front for 11 damage, the sacrificed Character still acts during the current day Necromancer - Order 18, Health 9, attack rear for damage equal to number of dead Characters on both sides Prince - Order 19, Health 5, attack rear for 3 damage, gives double normal victory points for surviving Shadow Spearman - Order 20, Health 5, attack rear 2 Characters for 4 damage each Sniper - Order 21, Health 5, attack any enemy for 5 damage Rear Guard - Order 22, Health 11, attack front for 4 damage ********************************* *** Putting the Game Together *** I never used Nandeck or CardMaker to create cards for this game, so I don't have a PDF file containing all the cards for creating the cards, so the cards can't be created the usual way. However, if you spend some time using Nandeck or CardMaker, you could possible create such a PDF file yourself. Nandeck is here: https://nandeck.com/ And CardMaker is here: https://github.com/nhmkdev/cardmaker/releases/tag/v. You may also need to have some way to track damage temporarily. I would recommend using simple pocket change for this. For example, a penny can represent one point of damage, and a nickel can represent 5 points of damage. You could also use quarters to indicate which Characters' abilities have already been used during the current Day.